mandag 13. september 2010

Long time - no seen

Not a lot of blogging on my site. Jobb, jobb, jobb, some exercise and luckely some family and friends - but not a lot of sewing and blogging. You have to draw a line somewhere. It will be better in the future ( I always believe that ....)
Anyway, here's a picture of my son who did his first piece of patchwork during the summerbreak. We will make a small "something" of it - some day. He was very proud and it was a lot of fun.

Will probably not take next step with this until the autumn holiday - but they are not so far away :O)
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2 kommentarer:

  1. Høres ut som min høst også dette;}
    Vi satser på bedre tider og kan jo drømme om hva vi skal gjøre når vi får god tid:-)
    Ønsker deg en fortsatt fin høst.

  2. Koselig at sønnen din syr litt også :-) Ønsker deg en riktig god helg.


Velkommen :o)