It has been vacation time. And we have had the most fantastic, phenominal, fabulous vacation. When we planned the vacation, the goal was to see Yellowstone national park. This has been a dream of mine for many years. We combined Yellowstone with a weeks ranch vacation. This idea came through some friends, although their choise of ranch is completely different (more in a future post).
Yellowstone was the first national park ever, and it is obvious why someone thought of preserving it for all future.
Hotsrping at west thumb
I will share a few pictures with you from our vacation, but it is not at all possible to show the beatifull landscapes, the atmosphere, the wonderfull weather, the impressions ...... I can highly recommed a trip there!
Bison just after entering!
Mammoth hot spring
Overnight in West Yellowstone
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
After Yellowstone we went out through the Grand Teton national park - which I think is less known but not less beatifull., At the Tetons we saw the biggest moose one can imagine. I think they were as big as elephants but my family claims I overestimate them a bit.....
Moose in the afternoon
Viwe from the Grand Teton national park
Part two and three contains snapshots from the ranch part of our vacation and from the quilting shopping day I had at the end of the vacation. Stay tunes :O)